重心、财务和组织 Focus, Finance and Organization


  • OneKey 是一家商业公司。

  • 商业公司的诉求就是:获取用户(也就是增长)、盈利

  • 利润是王道。

  • 我们就是扎实的做好产品 -> 获客 -> 盈利,只有这样才能给员工福祉,给股东回报,给客户长期可靠的服务。



  • 我们是世界上为数不多的在全公司范围内公布财报的组织。

  • 这是为了让员工看到业务流程的方方面面

  • 不论是客户经理还是工程师,都应该了解我们过去每个月做的怎么样(哪里赚了,哪里赔了,哪里业务增长快,哪些贡献利润,哪些产生成本)。

  • 如果我们努力经营,却无法在公司财务上体现成果,那么一定是哪里出了问题

  • 所有,当有团队里有人问:公司发展的怎么样、账上钱还够吗、每个月的营收是多少时,不用遮遮掩掩,与其描绘一个虚假的蓝图,不如告诉所有人实情:事实就是这样,我们着手改进吧



  • 承认吧,你不可能让一个组织保持不变

  • 一个稳定的组织要么是已经垄断,要么是死了

  • 不是所有人都能跟上组织的发展,也不是所有人都拥有相同的管理能力。

  • 组织里的人会分化成不同类型,就像树叶脉络

  • 有的人能力很强,但对管理实在没有志趣。

  • 有的人更愿意包揽进度,还能让组里的人都服气,这当然也是一种能力。

  • 不能让组织变成一潭死水,只要企业在发展,向上的通道就是打开的

  • 所以不要过于在意现在你在团队中的角色,要多去你想到做到什么程度,为此你要付出何种努力,一切都都有可能。


Work Focus


  • OneKey operates as a for-profit organization.

  • Our focus is twofold: acquiring users (also known as growth) and generating profits.

  • Profitability is essential.

  • We believe that delivering a quality product leads to customer acquisition, which translates into profitability, ensuring the well-being of our employees, delivering shareholder returns, and providing long-term, reliable service to our customers.




  • One of the few companies globally to publish financial reports for the entire organization. This level of transparency ensures employees can see all aspects of business processes.

  • Account managers and engineers have easy access to data on how we've performed in previous months to identify where we made, lost money, or experienced fast business growth. This knowledge is essential to understand what contributes to profits and the cost incurred.

  • Working hard but unable to reflect the outcomes in the company's financials is an indication of inevitable shortcomings.

  • Thus, whenever anyone on the team inquires about the company's fiscal status, instead of painting a false picture, let's narrate the truth and face it together.




  • The stability of an organization is a constant evolution.

  • A stable organization is already monopolized or dead.

  • Different individuals possess unique management skills, and not all can keep up with an organization.

  • People in the organization will divide and become various types, much like veins in a leaf.

  • Some may be extremely competent but lack the desire to be managers.

  • Others may be skilled at steering a group towards progress while ensuring that everyone is happy.

  • As long as the business thrives and continues upward, we cannot allow the organization to stagnate.

  • Therefore, don't fret over your role in the team now and concentrate on doing what you love. To succeed, invest your efforts, focus on your ambitions, and anything is possible.