运维工程师 Operation & Maintenance Engineer

运维工程师 Operation & Maintenance Engineer

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职位要求 Job Requirements

说明 Description

职位要求 Job Requirements

说明 Description

中文 Chinese


  1. 计算机或信息安全相关专业,本科以上学历,2年及以上工作经验;

  2. 熟悉 Linux 系统,熟悉 Shell,并至少能使用一门其它的脚本语言,有一定的编程能力

  3. 熟悉 WEB 前后端工作原理,熟悉 nginx(必须),openresty 等工具

  4. 熟悉常见的服务器软件及工具,熟悉 aws 服务及配置

  5. 了解计算机网络原理、TCP/IP协议,能运用网络抓包工具分析问题以及常见的网络故障定位方法;

  6. 有参与开源项目经验者、对区块链技术感兴趣者优先。


  1. 保障包括网络、基础服务和线上产品等正常运行,维护系统稳定并能快速解决线上问题

  2. 推动运维自动化,设计并利用工具和代码提高团队的工作效率

  3. 搭建链上监控

  4. 负责软硬件钱包等区块链应用产品的运维、交付工作。


  1. 有区块链从业经验者加分

  2. 熟悉并搭载运维自动化加分


You are familiar with these

  1. A major in computer science or information security, a bachelor's degree or higher, and two years of work experience minimum;

  2. Familiarity with the Linux operating system, knowledge of Shell, ability to use at least one other scripting language, and some programming skills;

  3. understanding of the workings of the front and back ends of the web, as well as of nginx (required), openresty, and other tools

  4. familiar with common server software and tools, as well as with the use and configuration of Amazon Web Services

  5. being able to use network packet capture tools to analyze issues and common network fault location techniques, as well as having a solid understanding of computer network principles and the TCP/IP protocol;

  6. The preferred candidates are those with interest in blockchain technology and experience working on open source projects.


  1. Assure the network's regular operation, the availability of essential services, and the availability of online products. Maintain system stability.

  2. Promote operational automation, design, and team productivity by utilizing tools and code.

  3. construct on-chain monitoring

  4. In charge of the operation, upkeep, and delivery of hardware and software wallets and other blockchain application products.

Nice to have

  1. Bonus points for those who have experience with blockchain

  2. Bonus points if you are knowledgeable about and have operation and maintenance automation.


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