运营及客户支持 Ops & CS (现场办公 on-site)

运营及客户支持 Ops & CS (现场办公 on-site)

Click link below to apply job. 点击下方链接申请岗位。

OneKey Recruit

This is an ON-SITE position. 这是一个现场办公岗位。

职位要求 Job Requirements

说明 Description

职位要求 Job Requirements

说明 Description

中文 Chinese


  • 拥有丰富的加密货币和 Web3 技术知识。

  • 熟悉使用英语、中文作为工作语言。

  • 具备优秀的沟通能力与同理心,有团队合作意识和能力。


  • 回答客户关于加密货币和 Web3 技术的问题,及时处理客户的投诉和反馈,跟踪并解决问题

  • 撰写帮助中心文章、活动方案

  • 与技术团队协作,为客户提供准确和有效的解决方案

  • 与团队在现场展会中提供客户支持


  • 熟悉使用 Figma、Photoshop、Capcut(剪映)、Final Cut 或 Premiere Pro。

  • 熟悉使用英文和中文,能使用第三外语更佳,如法语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、日语、韩语等。


You are familiar with these

  • Possesses extensive knowledge of cryptocurrency and Web3 technologies.

  • Familiar with using English and Chinese as working languages.

  • Excellent communication skills and empathy, with a strong sense of teamwork and ability.


  • Answer customer inquiries about cryptocurrency and Web3 technologies, promptly handle customer complaints and feedback, track and resolve issues.

  • Write help center articles and event plans.

  • Collaborate with the technical team to provide accurate and effective solutions for customers.

  • Provide on-site customer support at industry exhibitions.

Nice to have

  • Familiar with using Figma, Photoshop, Capcut, Final Cut or Premiere Pro.

  • Proficient in English and Chinese, and it is preferable to be able to use a third language, such as French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, etc.


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